MS Word Important Shortcuts

Microsoft Word is a powerful word processing tool that is widely used for creating documents, reports, letters, and more. To increase your productivity and work more efficiently in Word, it's essential to learn and use keyboard shortcuts. Here are some of the most important MS Word keyboard shortcuts for both Windows and macOS that will help you speed up your workflow and save time.

Table of Contents

  1. General Commands
  2. Basic Editing
  3. Text Formatting
  4. Paragraph and Alignment
  5. Navigation
  6. Advanced Editing and Styles
  7. Review and Proofing
  8. Additional Useful Shortcuts

General Commands

Command Windows Shortcut macOS Shortcut
New Document Ctrl + N ⌘ + N
Open Document Ctrl + O ⌘ + O
Save Ctrl + S ⌘ + S
Save As F12 Shift + ⌘ + S
Print Ctrl + P ⌘ + P
Close Document Ctrl + W or Ctrl + F4 ⌘ + W
Quit Word Alt + F4 ⌘ + Q

Basic Editing

Command Windows Shortcut macOS Shortcut
Cut Ctrl + X ⌘ + X
Copy Ctrl + C ⌘ + C
Paste Ctrl + V ⌘ + V
Undo Ctrl + Z ⌘ + Z
Redo Ctrl + Y Shift + ⌘ + Z
Select All Ctrl + A ⌘ + A

Text Formatting

Command Windows Shortcut macOS Shortcut
Bold Ctrl + B ⌘ + B
Italic Ctrl + I ⌘ + I
Underline Ctrl + U ⌘ + U
Increase Font Size Ctrl + Shift + > Shift + ⌘ + >
Decrease Font Size Ctrl + Shift + < Shift + ⌘ + <
Clear Formatting Ctrl + Spacebar N/A

Paragraph and Alignment

Command Windows Shortcut macOS Shortcut
Align Left Ctrl + L ⌘ + L
Center Ctrl + E ⌘ + E
Align Right Ctrl + R ⌘ + R
Justify Ctrl + J ⌘ + J
Bulleted List Ctrl + Shift + L Shift + ⌘ + L
Increase Indent Ctrl + M ⌘ + ]
Decrease Indent Ctrl + Shift + M ⌘ + [

Command Windows Shortcut macOS Shortcut
Go to Beginning of Document Ctrl + Home ⌘ + Home
Go to End of Document Ctrl + End ⌘ + End
Find Ctrl + F ⌘ + F
Replace Ctrl + H ⌘ + H
Go To (Page, Section, etc.) F5 or Ctrl + G Option + ⌘ + G

Advanced Editing and Styles

Command Windows Shortcut macOS Shortcut
Apply Normal Style Ctrl + Shift + N Option + ⌘ + N
Copy Formatting Ctrl + Shift + C Option + ⌘ + C
Paste Formatting Ctrl + Shift + V Option + ⌘ + V
Insert Hyperlink Ctrl + K ⌘ + K
Change Case Shift + F3 Shift + ⌘ + K
Track Changes Ctrl + Shift + E ⌘ + Shift + E

Review and Proofing

Command Windows Shortcut macOS Shortcut
Spell Check/Grammar F7 ⌘ + ;
Thesaurus Shift + F7 Shift + ⌘ + Y
Insert Comment Ctrl + Alt + M Option + ⌘ + A

Additional Useful Shortcuts

Command Windows Shortcut macOS Shortcut
Help F1 ⌘ + ?
Switch between Open Documents Ctrl + F6 ⌘ + ` (backtick)
Insert Footnote Alt + Ctrl + F Option + ⌘ + F
Insert Endnote Alt + Ctrl + D Option + ⌘ + E

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